Take 5 Minutes

Take 5 minutes today to give gratitude to the souls of your feet.
Allow your fingers to move into a rhythm of massage.

Focus on gratitude for their support,
For carrying you energetically to all the places you want to go.

Our feet can be seen as our direction in life, they bring us everywhere.
We trust them to hold us up, walk us through life. 

We dress them up, fit them into tight spaces and then ask them to do a lot for us
In this moment of gratitude we release them from their duties, bathing them in love, joy, respect.

Feel the subtle spaces between your toes.
As though they were listening to their favorite music.

There are no tight spaces, only freedom of movement.

Rooted Angel Essence Blend can be a lovely treat for the feet. Massage a few dabs on the bottoms of your feet to feel relaxed, supported and uplifted.