Need help with purging, clearing and restocking the pantry? Laura has developed a system that can easily change the way you approach shopping, preparing and cooking. By getting rid of unwanted, unhealthy food, the flow in your pantry opens up energetically to help you create nourishing meals that are simple and delicious. In your session, Laura will focus on the following: 

  • Clearing expired, unwanted or unhealthy items from your pantry and fridge
  • Creating a feng shui or flow in your kitchen, making it easier to use and more fun to be in
  • Making your kitchen a sacred space by creating an altar and using utensils/bowls/plates that have value to you

"One of my favorite and most helpful sessions was a pantry purge that I did with Laura. I have always been very health oriented and not someone who accumulates a lot of unnecessary items. Despite that, I was amazed at how much we got rid of and how much we reorganized my kitchen! This had a huge impact on my life - it brought a beautiful sense of flow and new energy to the kitchen which really boosted my enthusiasm and joy in being in that space. Getting rid of some of the things that no longer serve made space for the new. My kitchen is now the perfect canvas for Laura to help me paint the next picture that will best serve me as my journey unfolds. Laura always brings her wisdom, experience, and most of all her joy and passion to our time together. She is a beautiful gift to our community."    - Mary Ellen Jay